Saturday, January 12, 2008

She's not MY Something Special

She's not MY Something Special

I wish I could get her
Off of my mind,
But she's something special;
She's one of a kind.

I wish I could tell her
How I really feel,
But nothing would change,
Nothing would heal.

Once I told her,
Great changes would occur,
I'd wish we could go back,
To the way things were.
I'd feel weird around her,
This I knew,
But as to her reaction;
I haven't a clue.
I soon found out,
That I'd be just "Jon"
No longer a real friend,
For she feared "leading me on"

I loved being her friend,
And seeing her smile,
Now we barely talk,
Only once in a while.

I wish I didn't tell her
About the feelings I had,
What I hoped would end good,
Actually ended quite bad.

I wish we could go back,
To what we had
It makes me angry,
It makes me sad.

Now I am filled
Up to the top
With feelings of regret
That won't ever stop.

I had to tell her
This I knew,
I thought to myself,
I just have to…
And when I told her,
I then understood;
I ended our friendship,
And it ended for good.

We don't talk,
Or laugh anymore,
I just wish I could've
Known this before;
Then we'd still be friends,

Now I wish I could get her,
Out of my mind,
But she's something special,
She's one of a kind.

-Jon Wimer